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CMA Standards Council advocacy

Solomon says there is a time to be silent and a time to speak. As well as doing our core work of publicly accrediting well-governed, transparent and accountable Christian organisations, the CMA Standards Council also speaks into the public and regulatory debates which affect the governance of Christian organisations. We count it as a privilege and responsibility to present a Christian perspective on relevant issues in this space on behalf of our Partners and the Christian sector. See our Latest News for details.

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Four new accredited Partners!
June 3, 2024
Partner News

At the CMA Conference held on 28 and 29 May 2024. the CMA Standards Council announced the accreditation of Anglican Insurance and Risk Services (AIRS),Baptist Financial Services,Clayton Church of Christ and YouthCare.

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Tasmanian Trustees Accredited
September 21, 2023
Partner News

We are delighted to announce that the Trustees of the Anglican Diocese of Tasmania have been accredited as a Partner of the CMA Standards Council.

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Companies Limited by Guarantee – Changes to meeting requirements

Make sure you're up-to-date with simple but important changes to notices of meetings for Companies Limited by Guarantee

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Good News on Fundraising Regulation!

The Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury, Andrew Leigh, has announced that agreement has been reached to install consistent fundraising rules across all states and territories

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